How do you practice deep listening and become a better friend, storyteller, and empowering coach for others to take the spotlight? In this workshop, Fine Arts Director Julia Rubens will take previous storytellers to the second phase of telling - listening, and learning how to give helpful feedback that makes other storytellers open up rather than close themselves off to vulnerability. This workshop is a must for those who want to join Storytellers Macon as listening mentors for future featured storytellers.
Cost: FREE
When: Sunday January 15, 2023
Time: 3:00 - 6:00 pm
Where: The Web, 1083 Washington Ave., Macon, GA 31201
Criteria to participate
You must have told a story on any Storytellers Macon stage
Storytellers that want to explore deep listening
Storytellers that endeavor to support Storytellers Macon by mentoring future tellers
This workshop is mandatory for tellers wanting to be being considered to be a mentor for Storytellers Macon